Education Listing


Learn Anything for Free; NoExcuseList - Includes sources for everything you can want. Reddit Resources - Reddit’s list of the best online education sources.

General Education

  • Docsity
  • Khan Academy
  • Open2Study
  • Ted Talks - Talks that address a wide range of topics (“ideas worth spreading”) within the research and practice of science and culture, often through storytelling. Many famous academics have given talks, and they are usually short and easy to digest.
  • uReddit - Made by Redditors for other Redditors. Tons of different topics, varying from things like science and art to Starcraft strategy.
  • Wikipedia - Collaboratively edited, multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia. Great for random learning whenever you need it. For those looking for more legit sources for papers and such, it is usually easy to jump to a Wikipedia page and grab some sources at the bottom.
  • Wolfram Alpha - Answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data, rather than providing a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer as a search engine might. Unbelievable what this thing can compute; you can ask it near anything and find an answer.

Study Help

  • Anki - Similar to Memrise. Anki is a program which makes remembering things easily. Intelligent flashcards
  • Mendeley - The best free way to manage your research. Organize, share, discover. Great for when writing a paper, it manages all your referencing/bibliography in many different available notations
  • Open Study

University Courses



  • Duolingo - Fun foreign language learning
  • FSI - Language courses developed by the Foreign Service Institute. They are in the public domain.
  • Memrise - Uses flashcards augmented with mnemonics and the spacing effect to speed/ease learning.




  • Stack Exchange - Group of Q/A websites on topics in many different fields, each website covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process. Self-moderated with reputation similar to Reddit.

Mental Health

  • 7 Cups of Tea - Free, anonymous, and confidential conversations with trained active listeners. Please don’t spam the site, they offer a great service
  • Blah Therapy - Online listening service. “Experience the rewards of venting to a stranger or lending an ear.”
  • MoodGYM - Learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression.
  • Social Services; resources - a subreddit created by a professional Social Worker who has spent a career procuring resources for those in need.


  • Free Rice - Answer vocabulary questions and rice is donated to charity! Be sure to turn off adblock when using this site, as that’s how they supply the rice!
  • iTunes U - Podcasts from a variety of places including universities on various subjects.